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World Problems, and Solutions I think will work

Hunger and Poverty:

I beleive these two are inseperably linked. I think if Bill Gates were to move to South Africa, he would not starve. I beleive the key to ending the cycle of poverty, starvation, and deprivation, is education. We need to educate these people on many levels. I feel at the base, we need to ensure that they are being taught how to provide for themselves. Where idustrialization is still a long way off, we can aid them in producing higher volume and better quality agriculture, in caring medicinally for their communities, it the necesities of life that most of us in The US and other first world countires take for granted. Where industrialization is near, or begun already, there is much we can do to invest in these people futures. They need opportunities, and they will work hard to succeed, they just need a boost to get started. While I am yet young, I am content to share my ideas in this area, but as I enter the professional world, I will do all in my power to aid these people struggling to escape poverty, in a very real sense. Mark my words, and keep an eye out for me, for although I do not, and will not seek personal fame, at the level I plan to bring about change, word of me will likely surface eventually.

Decline in Families:

I beleive this is the biggest and most reaching problem in our Nation. I beleive that were families to pull together, and work hard to become closer, that drug usage, alcoholism, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, gang violence, abortion, and lack of patriotism would all show a very steep decline, if not extinction. I feel that the decline in families (the distancing of parents and children, disfunctionality, and a lack of bond and trust between all) is primarily due to two factors; society and the parents. I beleive the children have nothing to do with it, children are always children, and always have been, the change for the worst is in the parents, and the change for the better needs to be in them as well. Society is encouraging many activities and principals that are immoral, degrading to the soul, and dammaging to the individual.

The only way to combat this is to flood the home with love. How is that accomplished? By showing love to those you claim to love, showing interest in your children, and giving them praise and approval whenever possible, and correction in love, not anger. Think back upon your childhood, not as a preteen, or teenager, but your childhood, before you were 10 or so. Do you think it went well? Is it full of fond memories? If not, do you wish your parents had been kinder? Do you wish they had spent more time with you? Do you wish they would have explained things to you better? If you could alter you childhood in any way, how would you do it?

The key to causing improvement in the home is to take a look behind, and act accordingly. Are you unhappy with how your childhood went? Your childhood can not be changed, but you can change how you raise your own children, and how their childhood goes. Above all, there must be love, and not just the kind that is supposed to be a given, but love that encompasses action. Jesus Christ is not content to say he loves us, and leave it at that, He acted upon his love, and I feel that we all urgently need to do the same. In our busy world, where time is scarse, we must put family first, above money, above friends, above all other worldly pursuits, for what are any of those things on which or controll is limited if we fail at the only thing we can completely control, our families. That is not to say that we are in dominion over our families, but as parents, we can make all the right choices, none are left to chance, but there is always the possibility that our children will not heed our love and guidance, but if we have always been there for them from the begining, they will return in time, for in time, all wisdom is made known.

As for me, I do not wish to draw sympathy, or in any way elevate myself above another. I do however wish it to be known that I have traveled the road of hard knocks, and although I know of others who have suffered much more, I still feel that I have sufficient perspective to speak as I do. I had a very troubling childhood, and I made numerous mistakes as a teenager, but I feel I have come out on top, through it all, and I beleive that this is so because of the help of the Creator of all, and much effort on my part. What do I want to convey to the reader in all this? Anything is possible, and we are not bound by anything but ourselves, on ANY level.

Forgive me if you are offended by talk of religion, but I am not ashamed of what I know to be true, and I will speak of it, the choice is yours as to whether you wish to read, or not. It is my firm beleif that the progression of our souls in this life is dependant on 2 things, one of which is a given. The variable is our effort, and the given is the help God has promised, and will give if we put forth our effort. Although our effort is only token, and without God's help anyway, we would fall short, our effort is still necessary under the laws of heaven for us to return to heaven. In short: if we show willingness, God will help us attain. To me, religion is not a sunday thing, but how I live. I am not a finaic, and I am not obsessed, but what is religion if it does not make us better people? And if something were to bring about improvement, why save it for one day a week? This is why I say that reguardless of your beleifs, they should be a part of who you are and how you act every day, and not just how you think and speak.

Thank you for reading, I hope that what I have to say meant something to you. There will be more in the future, but this is all for now.


Brandon's, and this site's Mission statement:

I wish it to be known that although there is a lot about me in this site, the world does not revolve arround me, simply put though, it's something I can speak with authority about. There has also been some speculation on the pourpose of this website. To clarify any misunderstanding, here is the official statement:

The objective I seek is to first convince people in general, and especially all women, that there are still people who strive to improve and are trying to raise the bar for everyone. Second in importance is to enlighten, enliven, and brighten the days of all those who care to look.

I am not trying to pick up women myself through this site, but I do wish to cause women to expect more from men, cause if you don't, it certainly will not happen on it's own. If you are consistent as a whole, men as a whole will improve.

  Note: **this page is still not done, i need to figure out how to add pics in html, and i'm a busy guy, so for now, just read on

Pics are on the way
  Note: **this page is still not done, i need to figure out how to add pics in html, and i'm a busy guy, so for now, just read on

Pics are on the way

Who will your children go to when they have a problem?1196