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The mission that’s referred to on the following page consists of two years in a place that I do not choose on my own expense without any work, school, dating, socializing, vacation, trips home, or even being able to call home other than Mother’s Day and Christmas for the entire 2 years. What would be the point in doing that? What could justify that kind of self denial and sacrifice?

Here is where my religious beliefs come in. I am a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (also known as Mormons and LDS). I believe that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God and that He is the Savior of all mankind and that He and God the Eternal Father restored God’s church and authority to the earth again in these last days through Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith was a man called of God, just as Moses or Elijah was, and his role as a modern revelator was to do the will and obey God’s direction and lead us as God directed him to do. Salvation does not come through Joseph Smith any more than it did through Moses. Without Moses, the children of Israel would not have been liberated, but it was not Moses’ power that freed them, it was the power of God exercised though His prophet. God has again called prophets in our day beginning with Joseph Smith and continuing until the present day. Gordon B. Hinckley today is the man God has called to lead His church. He receives ongoing revelation from God and just as we have the words of the apostles in the Primitive Church around the time of Christ’s earthly ministry, we again have 12 apostles today who continue to serve, just as those ancient apostles, as special witnesses of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I know that these things are true because I have searched for the answer and asked God if these things are true, and He has revealed to me personally that they are true.


Knowing that these things are true just as surely as I know I exist is what makes it possible for me to trust God and those He calls enough to put aside all else and serve his children physically, spiritually, and mentally; with my whole soul. I also know that our Heavenly Father, who loves us and wants us to be happy, and to grow, is eager to give this same understanding and knowledge to ALL His children. Anyone who seeks with a humble heart and a willingness to try God’s way will know for themselves. I have searched and pondered literally over 5700 hours to know these things for myself. That’s including the time spend at Sunday worship services since I was old enough to understand and remember, early morning seminary during high school, and many hours of personal study of the scriptures. That’s the same amount of hours as if I had worked full time for 2.7 years with no vacation, holidays, or interruptions. I do not say that to boast or to infer that time spent is a sure guarantee of personal revelation from God. I say this to give the reader better context when I say this: All of it would not be enough to convince me without the witness of the Holy Spirit. Throughout all of that, I have not seen anything that does not make sense to me. It all makes perfect sense, but more than just making sense, I KNOW it is true. For all the time and over all the years I have sought to know, all would be worthless without a knowledge of God through the witness of the Holy Spirit. For all my knowledge and effort, I would yet miss the mark were it not for the grace afforded me from my Savior and my knowledge of God’s plan. I know because God has and does reveal these things to me through His Holy Spirit. I’m not talking about some fantastic manifestation that happened once and that I have based my life on that instance. I’m not even claiming to have seen angels sent from Heaven. I am claiming to have heard the often quiet and clear whisperings of God in my heart and in my mind that have led me to greater truth, kept me from danger, and guided my decisions. I know what it is like to not live as I now know God would have me live and I know what it’s like to not have the companionship of the Holy Spirit. I know that it is only through Faith in Jesus Christ strong enough to move us to repent and turn away from our sins, baptism by immersion by one authorized directly from God, receiving the Gift of The Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands by that same authority, and continuing to repent and follow Christ that we will be saved. We can not save ourselves, only Christ can, but He has laid before us a straight and narrow way; the only way to come unto Him and be saved: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of The Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. I know that this is true because the Holy Ghost has confirmed it to me as I have lived these things. That is the grand key; no one can fully understand these things until they live them. I invite all to know for themselves. The only way to know is to try them out. If anyone would like to ask me something, they are welcome to.

What does this mean to you?

What I did for 2 years was to talk with people and teach them what they need to do to know for themselves. I am now back home, working and going to school in preparation to becoming a dentist. There are still some 56,000 full-time missionaries all over the world continuing to teach and serve as I did. Please visit to find out how you can hear for yourself our message and invitation so that you can know for yourself the truthfulness of our message as you try it in your life. I have the peace of knowing who I am and where I’m going and that no matter what happens to me, I am loved by a Heavenly Father and my Savior, and they have done, are doing, and will do all they can to bring me home. As long as I choose them and do my best to live as they command, I will live with them again. I can not imagine trying to live life without that knowledge! Knowing these things brings such peace! That peace is there for all; if you don’t have it, or you want more than you have, it’s waiting for you! 


*Please note that I am not an official representative of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the statements here made are my own views and were said of my own will and in no way are meant to represent an official position of the above church. (I do, however, believe that there is nothing I have said which can not be supported by the official doctrines and declarations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Please correct me if I’m wrong.)

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