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Not The King, I Just Swing

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A Day in the Life of Brandon

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Ultimate Frisbee

Swing, Swing, Swing!

This is a map of the California Long Beach Mission
The bold lines separate the areas. From top to bottom at longest it is 25 miles. Side to side at widest, it's 15 miles. The largest areas are about 20 sq. mi. and the smallest under 2 sq. mi.

Most of the MTC District

We played a lot of four-square at the MTC. I've never played four-square before my mission, and not sice the MTC, but there, it was like gold for us. We were like civilized animals. It was tons of fun! (As an aside: we were in classrooms and seminars at least 12 hours per day; our time in the gym was just a breif reprieve.)

Chow Time at the MTC
I got teased quite a bit on my mission about my good posture. Can you guess why?

The Queen Marry
Yes, that is indeed the Queen Marry in the background. I'm standing on the paved walkway that went arround the Long Beach Harbour. We were permitted on the paved are, but not the grass beyond or the docks beyond that.

This is me by day's end: done, collapsed on the floor, and all-too-ready for bed.

Ghetto Sunset
This sunset is over Compton, CA. Sunsets in So. Cal. were very pretty, primarily due to the fact that Californians don't beleive in breathing anything they can not see.

One of my favorite companions
I was only with Elder Combs for 6 weeks, but those were my favorite 6 weeks of my whole mission. We had some fantastic experiences as we taugh people and served them. We had a lot of fun too!

Demanding. Limit Stretching. Dang Good.